The Wishing Tree is a 32-foot-tall tree illuminate with 100,000 led lights.
Conoce 10 hermosas y tranquilas ciudades en Florida y disfruta de unos cálidos días a la orilla del mar.
Los angeles, one of the most tourist cities in the United States. Everyone wants to go to Los Angeles and visit all those places that will show the movies.
California es uno de los estados más visitados en Estados Unidos. Muchos quieren conocer Hollywood, sueñan con viajar a Los Angeles y visitar todos aquellos lugares que muestran las películas, en...
Have you ever felt tired of the routine to the point of wanting to run out of the city? Get up early, prepare breakfast, get ready to work, drive in a traffic that makes you want to cry, work 8 hours...
A relaxing trip to an old town northeast of Florida. The architecture of its buildings and the beauty of the gardens make you fall in love with this city.
For those who love to travel and explore, Venezuela offers you wonderful landscapes. it is quite economical to travel there.
I have been living in Florida for more than 3 years, and since I love traveling and getting to know new places, I have dedicated myself to exploring Florida.